GirlChat #742448

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Posted by Love2uall on Wednesday, February 01 2023 at 11:23:38PM
In reply to Shauna Rae posted by Love2uall on Sunday, January 15 2023 at 5:27:15PM

But I don't want to judge her too much...
I mean it must be difficult for her what she's going through.
Her tattoos are probably a way for her to feel more "grown up", to show that she's not 8 years old.

I was hurt by their comments about us, but nobody will say today "ah yes I'm happy I'm attracting pedos!"

Social pressure is too big, and the media surely don't help.

I wonder if the deep state hates us, or if they're full of pedos ahah!
Like Weinstein...

Does anyone know about Monarch Programming?
If you see butterflies often in movies or TV that's the message...
Fuck that.



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