GirlChat #742898
"Just lay it out."
Fine. For those who ever came to thIS attraction with sincere care, loyalty and honesty toward those you adored? You have never ONCE been honestly rebuked by your online haters. They have nothing on you, except their own rebuke of your sincerity, as a method of falsifying and demonizing you. Period. Really! PERIOD. Hoping some of you will let that feed your love, provided it is truly based in sincerity. Mine is and always was. We have, and have always had, those among us with different and sometimes terrible approaches. Manipulation seems to be their core value for obtaining whatever they seek, both with regard to kids and fellow adults, and as such, they really deserve to be shown no mercy. I am DONE with these hangers-on. They ruin everything they touch. No pun intended. This fumigation idea needs to be generalized beyond just our own kind, however. So many groups today have others latching on to their original causes, because their own assertions are too WEAK to go it alone:p Kick their lazy asses to the curb, ALL of you. Force them to do their own work. *The following idea was asserted from the most ostracized group on the planet.* We see so very easily from our humble lowest wrung on the ladder, that you're all being played, and dare we say? Sometimes even being hijacked, post-recognition. It sucks for everyone generally when this occurs. Rid yourselves of these piggy-backing cancers! Fuck! Why does it take a fucking pedo board to declare what everyone with any common sense secretly already knew??? The most hated have nothing to lose for voicing what is true. ![]() |