GirlChat #743031
(Tired old GL factions.)
How they weaken all of us, via individual egoes posing as leadership. I've never posed myself as holding, nor ever desiring such a title. My REAL life actually DETESTS all situations where anyone anywhere tries to "dump" upon me.. people to lead or direct. It's just not my bag, baby! Truly. I'm just adding honestly held opinions to the mix. There is and has never been, any goal beyond expressing one man's carefully thought opinion. And I work for no one, and (sadly) also paid by no one. You (everyone) have no way to truly know that. It just happens to be true. I am a free spirited nobody cutting through bullshit wherever I happen to see it. At least until "they" siege and down the internets with BS explanations and blaming countries still defending their sovereignty, allowing you to return later, but only with personally identifying credentials. I will disappear by then, but you will hear me calling out behind you, with your lolis holding on behind you on horseback... BOYS! AVENGE ME!!! AVENGE MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() |