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Re: Question for you, Trucker

Posted by Baldur on Thursday, April 05 2007 at 03:06:28AM
In reply to Re: Question for you, Trucker posted by Trucker on Wednesday, April 04 2007 at 11:36:34PM

from what I've seen in pedophile communities there are those in the movement who haven't broken the law that seem to want to separate themselves from the typical convicted sex predator so they can purport a clean, decent, law-abiding image of a pedophile. So there's this division between the "predators" and the "non-predators."

I hope you don't feel discriminated against in this regard, though I can understand how you might. I'll just note that:

(1) According to the FBI and other Law Enforcement agencies, most child molesters (at least 80%) are not primarily attracted to children.

(2) Most persons who are attracted to children have not had sexual relationships with children (at least, in western, sex-phobic nations).

(3) That means that most pedophiles are not child molesters, and most child molesters are not pedophiles - and whereas everyone wants to put on their best face, we frequently point out this basic fact.

Naturally, this is only part of the big picture. There's also a few other facts:

(4) Most of the official statistics about child molestation do not differentiate between consensual and non-consensual sexual relations. This makes such data virtually useless.

(5) Whether a child has had their relationship with a pedophile or a non-pedophile makes little difference from their perspective - the main thing that makes a difference is whether they wanted and enjoyed the relationship - or not.

Therefore, I can certainly believe that many of the men you met in treatment had not actually done any significant harm to children, other than exposing them to the legal system even if they were not pedophiles.

(6) Naturally, the only factor which actually makes a difference, is the one factor that is consistently ignored by the "experts".

This might explain why folks around here tend to think psychologists are either stupid or sadistic, and usually both.

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